A very tasty drink, good for summer outings. The Cactus Cooler tastes more like fruit juice than an alcoholic beverage. Quite intoxicating -- make sure...
A vodka martini with a bit of a twist and kick. Ideally, you should have chilled martini glasses ahead of time, as this removes the need to chill the glasses...
This is a great beverage for cold afternoons and evenings created by my husband. The name comes from our next door neighbor, who says it makes him feel...
Vodka and ginger beer mingle with summery flavors for a crisp and refreshing cocktail to enjoy on hot days. This pairs nicely with crunchy raw veggies...
To make this refreshing summer cocktail, vigorously shake vodka, simple syrup, and lemon juice with lemon and cucumber slices. Pour into a Collins glass...
I love sriracha and using it to replace the conventional Tabasco® hot sauce in my go-to Bloody Mary recipe creates an equally quenching, but slightly...
Moscow mules are usually made with vodka, but by using mezcal instead, you get a slightly smoky twist. The smoky flavor is due to the underground ovens...
Coquito translates to "little coconut" in Spanish and refers to the coconut milk in this Puerto Rican rum cocktail. Put a twist on the classic by adding...
This beverage is known for its 'sneak up and blow you away' power. There are many different versions, but I believe you will find mine a very good blend...
One of the oldest American cocktails, the mint julep originated in Virginia and was popularized in Kentucky. The two states have bickered over the proper...
Inspired by the amazing menu item from The Cheesecake Factory®. This is just as delicious without the vodka as a family-friendly treat! Garnish each shake...
When a crazy old lady hits you in the head with her purse...and she's carrying a Colt 45 in it...that's the kind of kick you want when you drink a bloody...
This season, stand under the mistletoe and spend some quality thyme with Tito's. Sip on this tart cocktail topped with the aroma of savory thyme, a bit...
All kinds of cocktails perk up when herbs are added to the mix. The key to extracting the herbs' flavors and fragrant oils is muddling -- done with a traditional...
For a bracing drink, Lillet -- an aperitif made with wine -- is shaken with basil, gin, orange juice, and tonic. It's served on the rocks, garnished with...